Episode Summary
In this episode I talk with Wadzanai Garwe about her work in economic development, activism and philanthropy. To quote Wadzi “Live your best life. Be visible. Be loud.”
When I started Daughters of Change, women like Wadzi were exactly who I had in mind. Her beautiful soul shines through in her words and voice.
The name Wadzanai means reconcile or live in harmony in Shona. In true testament to her name, Wadzi’s passion is to ensure she lives her best life and contributes towards making the amazing world we live in a wondrous adventure of growth and self-discovery.
Tune in and prepare to be inspired!
Episode Notes
Get in touch with Wadzi:
- LinkedIn :https://www.linkedin.com/in/wadzanai-garwe-5738264/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wkatsande
Links to Edmund Garwe Trust:
- Website: https://shaekatsande.wixsite.com/edmundgarwetrust
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/edmund.trust
- Email: [email protected]
Links to Wadzi’s books:
- Township Girls: https://www.amazon.com/Township-Girls-Cross-Over-Nomsa-Mwamuka/dp/1779223250
- Mending a Broken Heart: https://www.amazon.com/Mending-Broken-Hearted-Jossine-Abrahams/dp/B08MVFX46K
Link to African Conversations with Self on Patreon.
Podcast Editor: Sarah Stacey