A poem by Marie Sola, Founder Daughters of Change
I am a clean canvas,
I paint the innermost workings of my heart,
A masterpiece of fiery beauty repelling the chaos attempting to invade my soul.
I envision a harmony of shapes, colors, acceptance, giving, and love,
Striving to plant seeds in the hearts of humanity to grow and bloom if tended carefully.
This creation is not meant to be put on a pedestal, feed my ego, or bring adulation.
Do not look at the surface for meaning, investigate the depths for contemplation.
Everything and anything is possible!
Every problem has a solution!
Looking inward, not outward, to find the true meaning.
Us against them has never worked and never will,
Judgement is a form of misplaced ego.
Divide and conquer only works for the conquerors.
Observe with a quiet heart all that surrounds you,
What are you hearing? What are you seeing?
Take the knowledge from within and ACT.
Create beauty and radiate it outward;
We are all clean canvases.
The past is gone, and the future is an unknown dream,
The present is your canvas!
Pick up your brush, choose your colors and paint your masterpiece.